The TechniShow and the ESEF are opening their doors again after more than three years. So there is a lot to discover in terms of innovations and developments. If you work in the manufacturing industry then you should not miss this event. Spend a day there and you'll be completely up to date with everything that's going on in the market. What are your challenges for the short and medium/long term? The vacations are a great time to think about that. With the outcome you go to the stock exchange, looking for parties who can help you with the solution.
The demos at Metaaltechniek 's booth are unique, make you curious. This could be the solution for you!
What can you expect at Metaaltechniek ?
- Veidec, organic and green cleaning products. People from Veidec will be at our booth all day giving demos. Amazing, come see and experience it for yourself. Especially that hand soap.... you really have to try!
- Beveltools, with Beveltools we really have a unique machine! We know the principle of using a milling cutter to apply a radius or bevel. But this improved machine and cutter for stainless steel will save you so much time!
- 710W and 310W are the new mesh wheels from 3M. Perfect for dust-free sanding and because of the CubitronII grit in the web, you can be sure that you are removing material at lightning speed. How much dust is extracted compared to an ordinary sanding disc we make clear with a cyclone. Then you are immediately convinced.
- With the renewed Scotch Brite discs from 3M you can take a step out of your production process in many cases, this is definitely going to save time!
- Furthermore, you can try the Speedglas welding hood G5-01 with unique airflow that you can regulate yourself. And of course our own line of products, machines and abrasives are not missing.
- But the most important thing is: every day we stand with a group of enthusiastic Metal Technicians, they make the difference! Come meet us, share your production process and let's see if we start a nice cooperation!