If you have chosen to bond with VHB™ tape, the next step is to investigate whether this process can be automated.
COVID-19, supply chain issues, a persistent labor shortage and increased sustainability requirements have accelerated the need to reassess all aspects of manufacturing, including fastener methods and production automation. Tapes and adhesives are an excellent solution for three reasons: first, they offer similar and sometimes better performance than mechanical fasteners or welds; second, they can simplify training or onboarding because of ease of use; and third, they can be easily automated to achieve scale or quality requirements.
It may be a bit too much of a stretch to tackle all these challenges at once, but the following several steps are a good starting point:
Moving from mechanical fastening to adhesives may not be the first idea that comes to mind when you think of labor shortages, but it can be an effective solution. First, adhesives and tapes do not require a skilled or certified operator. Specialized labor skills can be extremely difficult to find, so by using an appropriate adhesive whenever possible, skilled labor can concentrate on the most critical joints.
Adhesives and tapes also offer a number of other benefits:
Once you have determined whether you can use adhesive bonding, the next step is to explore the use of automation for your adhesive needs. The term automation can sound grand and may bring to mind millions of dollars in investment and complex robotics, but there are automation options that require much less budget and complexity.
In general, a manufacturer is ready for automation if they meet any of the following conditions:
Bijna elke fabrikant zal één van deze punten wel herkennen, maar het is niet voor elk proces zinvol om in het hele proces driedimensionaal te automatiseren. Gelukkig kan de automatisering van lijmen worden opgeschaald van eenvoudige verbeteringen met handmatige tools tot multifunctionele robots met zes assen.
Four levels of automation:
Simple tools such as tape pads and hand glue dispensers are easy ways to improve the application process without going into automation. They can help with the repeatability of the process when applying a tape or to dispense the correct ratio of a 2-component liquid adhesive every time.
Process assists are a great first step toward automation. These are typically semi-automated tools that increase the productivity of manual application; one example is a linear laminator that unrolls and applies the VHB™ tape to a straight surface. Another example is an adhesive dispenser that dispenses a certain amount of adhesive and frees both hands of the operator. These tasks allow more work to be done with the same amount of labor.
Fixed automation tools are designed to perform one specific assembly process with the goal of improving accuracy, speed or consistency and/or reducing labor. For VHB™ tapes, a continuous laminator with a conveyor allows one operator to perform the entire assembly step. It can also be a component placement system that allows for accurate part placement. Examples for liquid adhesives include a roller coater that dispenses a specific layer thickness over a large area or an XY robot that dispenses accurately in multiple axes.
Flexible automation is designed to perform more than one assembly process or to be reused later. Flexible automation includes specific robotics, such as a six-axis robot equipped with a tape or dispensing head, depending on the type of adhesive.
How do I determine if an investment in automation is profitable?
Determining the appropriate level of automation usually comes down to return on investment versus short- and long-term profit. Variables include assembly volume, value of parts, cost and availability of labor, quality requirements and natural capital budget.
While automation can offer many benefits, it is important to think about the entire process when making such an investment to properly understand the cost-benefit ratio. In addition to the immediate task to be automated, factors such as raw material quality, surface preparation and even seemingly trivial variables such as the type of tape liner can all contribute to the success of automation implementation.
Maintaining a good relationship with the material supplier, robot manufacturer or other auxiliary equipment suppliers and integrator is crucial to ensure proper machine setup and minimize downtime. A thorough holistic assessment of the existing manufacturing process is necessary to optimize the increased productivity, superior product quality and the other benefits that automation brings.
To get the most out of bonding (automatically) with tapes and adhesives, it is important to get good advice from experts!
If you want to move to tapes and adhesives, look for material suppliers, equipment suppliers and integrators who have experience in thinking through the entire process and can help you do so. With the right partners, introducing tapes and adhesives can be a great step to address current manufacturing challenges and sustainability goals.
3M Bonding Process Centers (BPCs) are specifically designed to develop customized process solutions, even for complex bonding challenges. The centers connect customers with 3M experts, enabling a partnership that solves problems and optimizes processes. Metaaltechniek , as your supplier, is happy to be involved in your process. We take a supporting role in this, as we are also happy to leverage 3M's expertise in this area.
This article is an adaptation of an article published by 3M here published in November 2021
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