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A robot as a solution to my staff shortage?

Can a robot solve my labor shortage? If so, what will it cost? How large must my series be to make the purchase profitable? What knowledge do I need to bring in and what does this mean for my overall production process? Where do I get the people who can program a new application?

The amount of questions and the fact that every environment and process is unique makes a ready-made answer impossible. Therefore, together with 3M, we are organizing a customer day, where we will start looking for answers.

SHL (robotintegratie) en TFT (cobot) zijn aanwezig om er een gezamenlijke dag van te maken waarop de beide opties, cobot en robot, naast elkaar staan. Zo kunnen we eenvoudig de mogelijkheden en onmogelijkheden van beide systemen vergelijken. 3M zal verder ingaan op de vraag welke invloed automatiseren heeft op de keuze van uw schuur- en slijpmateriaal. Deze dag zal u een flink eind op weg helpen om de richting te vinden die voor u interessant is.

Together, these three parties know how to ask the questions that you may not have even realized are impactful questions.

Read more on the information page.

Is my product suitable for robotic machining?

To answer that question, you can bring your own products to present to 3M, SHL and TFT. The experts will be happy to share their views on this and provide insight into the necessary preconditions.

Prior to the event, our sales engineer will contact you to identify your expectations and questions. Then you can also discuss your applications and bring a sample product. From all input, we will provide one or two cases to 3M for preparation. These will be developed and demonstrated at the customer day.

The program is basically as follows:

  • Woensdag 17 of donderdag 18 april: wilt u in het opmerkingenveld van het aanmeldformulier uw voorkeur aangeven? Speciaal voor onze Duitse klanten wordt er op 18 april voornamelijk Duits gesproken, vertalers zijn beschikbaar.
  • 9.30-10.00 Reception at 3M's CAT center in Neuss.
  • Tussen 10.00 en 17.00 drie workshop-rondes met resp. SHL (Engelstalig), TFT en 3M
  • 3M innovation tour
  • 5 p.m. closing
  • 5:30 p.m. We conclude day with a communal dinner at the 3M location so you can go home satisfied after the traffic jams.
  • During the day, you will of course be provided with coffee, tea and lunch.
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