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Metalworking course

Short on staff, short on time? Don't look for more, look for better and go for a metalworking course. Learn the theory and go experience it for yourself!

Good personnel in the workshop is a prerequisite for efficient production. At the same time, we notice that well-educated people are becoming scarcer.

Experienced employees retire, school leavers lack the necessary knowledge and experience, those who do have experience are expensive and difficult to tempt to leave their current employer. Whether you are a more attractive employer! So that's where the odds lie!

Finding and retaining staff

In times of a tight labour market, looking for and keeping "golden hands" is a challenge for any company. At the same time, we feel tension between time constraints and quality requirements. This is where employee training comes into play. Investing in personnel helps to find and retain the right people and improves the quality of work. This leaves the factor "no time". People cannot be missed in production for training or education. Still, there are very good reasons to make room for this. Because professionals with theoretical knowledge can anticipate new situations, come up with solutions when a new application needs to be developed, they work more consistently, make fewer mistakes and can assess the value of newly introduced grinding wheels themselves. In this way they contribute to improving productivity.

But at least as important is that an employee feels seen and appreciated. If an employer offers the opportunity for personal development and improvement of skills, this is an important point in the bonding of staff.

People with a passion for their profession would like to develop themselves further. If their employer stimulates this development, this is seen as enormously positive. By offering training in various areas, an employer creates loyalty among its staff. In this way, external training becomes a binding agent.

At the same time, training offers opportunities to fish for new staff in other ponds. With a basic sanding and grinding training they learn within a day what they need to know to be able to start in any case. They learn the intricacies in practice. Outsourcing the training relieves many current staff, who can remain more productive as a result. 

Enthusiasm learning from the bottom up

Another advantage is that new knowledge is brought into the company. Where imposed innovations from above sometimes meet resistance (is there something wrong with how I do it? I've been doing it like this for years and it works fine) can arouse genuine enthusiasm about the acquired knowledge of close colleagues and break through entrenched patterns.

Payback model of training

The most important principle within METAC is that productivity will increase and that as a result labour costs will be saved. The obvious way to do this is to learn skills, by sharing knowledge that enables people to work more efficiently themselves and to come up with solutions in new situations.

But what is at least as important is the standardization of processes. Together we determine the quickest route to the desired end result. Each step is recorded in a protocol, which can be used by everyone in the workshop.

A constant finish and quality is thus guaranteed and made less dependent on the skills of a single person. 

Metaaltechniek and training in METAC

As a supplier of abrasives for the metalworking industry has Metaaltechniek Over the past 50 years, we have gained a great deal of knowledge in a wide range of industries. Sharing that knowledge is of the utmost necessity. That is why Metaaltechniek started METAC in 2017. Here, small-scale trainings are given with a maximum group size of six people. This guarantees a lot of personal attention and enables us to focus the training on the daily working environment of the participants.

From a minimum participation of four people, the course is even completely custom-made and you can also bring your own work pieces to the training. 

An inventory of the expectations and an ex-post evaluation make the day a meaningful investment that will certainly pay for itself.

Would you like to know more about METAC? Take a look at our website www.metaaltechniek.nl/metac. Feel free to contact us! Call 033-4558788 or mail to metac@metaaltechniek.nl.

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Metac metal training

Training for stainless steel processing

The training "Stainless steel processing" is aimed at saving time in production. We combine theory with your daily practice.

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Training Steel construction / bench work

The benchwork course deals with the theory behind sanding and grinding tools with the aim of working faster. We combine theory with your practice.

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Training for aluminium machining

The Aluminium Machining training gives you knowledge that speeds up production. Theory is combined with your daily practice.

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High-gloss polishing training

The High Gloss Polishing course combines the theory of the polishing process and the effect of pastes with your daily practice.

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