Training for aluminium machining

The Aluminium Machining training gives you knowledge that speeds up production. Theory is combined with your daily practice.

Aluminium, with its specific properties, requires a separate approach. In addition to the various abrasives specially developed for aluminium, pressure, speed and the power of the machine also play an important role. What is the optimal value of these factors and which combination works best for your application.

The aspects mentioned above are questions that we will discuss in more detail in this module Aluminium machining. We learn to reason the answers from the theory and then see this become reality in the practice room, where we will find a lot to find.

Setting up a reliable comparative test is also part of the training, in which the speed of work and therefore the wage plays a decisive role. Objective figures that give a complete picture of a drive's performance allow you to make the right choices.

Parts that are covered in this module:

  • The theory about abrasives needed to make the right choices in the workplace
  • Safety and PPE
  • Deburring and cutting
  • Differences in blade and fiber disc application
  • Setting up a comparative test
  • Possibility to customize the training when participating with more than one person.

    This module will be completed in one day. If you take part in the training with several people from one company, you have the possibility to customize the training. In a stocktaking conversation prior to the training, you indicate which skills you would like to improve or which production process you would like to optimise.
During the training you can bring your own products which we will edit in various ways.

There are measurable differences that show that the training is a profitable investment.

In each module we pay attention to safety on the work floor, including BPM's, but also what influence the choice for a certain consumable has on the safety of the user. Safety begins at the source!

Investing in your staff has business benefits and produces the same or better results in a shorter period of time. But offering training to your staff is also a great bonding tool. People with a passion for their profession want to develop further in this and see this investment by their employer as appreciation, trust and incentive. Read more about finding and binding personnel by offering training on this page

If your company is affiliated with the OOM Foundation, you can make use of an employee training allowance if this training is included in a personal development plan of your employees. The contribution must be applied for in advance. For further conditions, please refer to this link:

Register as an individual for the METAC? Then click here.

General data
In principle, the training courses are given on Fridays. A different day is also possible in consultation.

start 08.30 a.m.
end: between 3 p.m. and 3.30 p.m.

If you are affiliated with the OOM foundation, you can apply for a subsidy for this training course.
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